For any die-hard hockey fan, September 13th will be remembered as the day Erik Karlsson was traded by the Sens, and not without controversy, as it seems Ottawa got less for Karlsson than they gave to acquire Duchene earlier this year. It turns out that the 4th Annual Ottawa International Hockey Analytics Conference (OTTHAC18), again held at Carleton University, was scheduled on the following weekend (September 14th and 15th, 2018). We couldn’t get there for the workshop and activities of…
Data science is a growing field that regroups talented and passionate people who generally show remarkable technical skills and outstanding ease to solve problems. However, from my personnal experience, one particular skill is often undervalued: Communication. In data science, as in many other fields, graphical vizualisation is an important tool that helps to simplify and clearly communicate results to others. For that reason, it’s crucial to master this set of skills. Just like any other…
.Layer (dot-layer) is an open community promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing in data science. In Unix operating systems, files beggining with a dot are invisible to the user. Many ignore their purpose, even their existence. In this world where data are queens, data scientists form this hidden layer, invisible to the public. It is now time we say: Hello, World!